Abu Simbel temple at night, Egypt

Welcome to an evolved world.

I'm a dreamer, a seer. Always have been. Immersed in the quantum field of where the world looks vastly different to what it does now.

Where Mother Earth has taken her rightful place front and centre again. Our ancient traditions of honouring the Earth from our indigenous tribal families are at the heart of the way we live.

Being an animal guardian was always central to my relationship with nature, her eco-systems and the way we treat our humanity collectively.

Over the decades the journey and evolution has taken on many different learnings, observations and experiences.

Spring nature
Wild animal in nature

Always essential was the dynamic between us as humans and our story so far, how we view the world, how we've acted in it and how we choose to continue to behave in it and with it.

We are abundant with biodiversity in all forms of nature and humanity and yet we still have lacked the ability to just be love.

To work on ourselves in a way that unlearns and unleashes both who we truly are but also in a way that truly embraces all other living forms of life on Earth.

We have as a species gotten ahead of ourselves, thinking that we are at the top of the so-called food chain and that by our very existence we are better than... both other species but also each other.

There's a long drawn out history that we are poignantly aware of that shows all the darkness and depths of where human depravity can go.

And yet, running alongside is also the purest forms of creativity, craft and compassion that see us producing some mesmerising out pouring's in to our world that are for the greater good of all.

It's to this, we turn now. Time has long been spilled on our hate, our trauma, our conditioning and incomprehensible attitudes and behaviours.

Beautiful mediterranean landscape at ocean with sunshine
Turtle Swimming in the Ocean

To live consciously, courageously and creatively in complete harmony; synchronistic with the laws of our cosmos and in deep and reverent partnership with every living force on our planet and beyond.

I believe the next phase of our evolution centre's around the phrase I call 'autonomous collaboration'.

Natural lake with a vast biodiversity.

It's wildly overdue to change our destiny, to be the love, to shine bright and the creators of something more majestic and magical in more truer symbiotic relationship as nature intended all along.

Photography of Night Sky

conscious evolution



To begin to restructure our world and balance back with Mother Nature, our ancient wisdom and combine with new ways of living. We need to first dissolve our outdated behaviours, our pasts and conditioning.

When we are able to reach a level of love and output from a higher frequency and vibration the way of anything other than doing no harm will no longer be viable. A light future for all comes from every individuals contribution which is aligned directly with who they came here to be.

There is only your path and those that are tangibly connected through your autonomous being and collaboration where its most benevolent.

Everything organically forms through natures principles into ecosystems that support all life forms and earth itself.

Nature teaches us many things. She always has done. The Earth Mother, Gaia, Mother Nature, however you want to view or name the fundamental principles of how our planet organises itself.

Seemingly, without hitch, every season effortlessly flows, works it's magic and transitions to the next.

We lost sight of this a long time ago, when we focused on the masculine, the yang, the order, the organisation, discipline of what it means to drive success, growth and more.

indian farmer at banana field
Vegetable Garden

Continually, we moved out of balance and into rigid systems where money, power and greed were the gold measures of mans achievements.

However, nature already was the gold of alchemy, there isn't anything that is within our Universe that isn't first an energetic imprint.

Our clueless rampage across everything that we have, has been massively disrupted. We are now at a catalytic time where a very strong movement towards rebalancing the feminine, yin, creative and nurturing qualities are needed by all of us.

It is not right to just swing massively over to the feminine, though we may need to temporarily. It's about the abundant, creative and effortless dance of the two.

When we view the yin yang symbol we do not see one dominate the other, we see an equal partnership. One balances the other. One might lead, one might be the supporting partner. Then, they will switch again. The major thing to note is that it's not a competitive motion, it's one of infinite cosmic flow that never runs out or seeks to be out of balance. The scales may go up and down but they'll always come back to the centre point eventually.

When we look at nature, her laws and how she moves, it is always with balance.

She gives life, she takes it away. She breathes new growth in one place and decomposes it another.

There's always a dance, an up and down. But where we see it through numbers, patterns and sacred geometry. Or the stories from the past. Even from our own memories as children.

She always continues to flow. To move and meander. To pause and play. To be strong and defiant.

Indigenous Brazilian Young Woman and Her Child, Portrait from Guarani Ethnicity

Us, the humans on the Earth; we've forgotten how this works, we are not her equal, or her master. We are her guests.

It is not for us to decide who lives and who dies, no matter the species, the race, the gender. These are all made up by man.

African Cattle

Every single life that is born, deserves to live. There are no differences, exceptions or decisions to be made by any man.

The gift of life is for all whom it's been given too. We have created speciesism, racism, sexism and everything else that's been twisted and manipulated and destroyed. All on us.

We had the power within to create that and we have that very same essence and life force to end it. And then restore order, balance, love and peace on Earth for all living beings.

Blooming Spring Leaves
Moon over the lake
Red Orange bird in nature

This is where the work begins.

Inside each individual.

There is no one else to do it but you.

It begins and ends with love.

Starting from within and sharing to without.

It's a hugely personal journey that will, no doubt, have many snakes and forks along the path.

Each level, if you will, brings new experiences, learnings and discernments.

From those, you can keep choosing to continue on your conscious evolution.

And by doing so, contribute to the wider collective improved vibration and frequency.

Dried Flowers on Light Background
Portrait of ankole-watusi bighorned bull, Agadez cattle market, Niger

To facilitate the essential conscious progression, below are some of the projects I am involved with.

My core interests lie within a conscious vegan world where every living being is able to be who they came here to be.

Freedom for every being, begins with mother earth and her animal kingdoms and ends with us.

Consciousness itself, is a vast topic that covers every area from philosophy to science, governance to religion, education to the human existence. It transcends every single aspect of life on earth.

For simplicity, here's some vital evolutions:

  • Veganism
  • Inner Alchemy
  • Consciousness: within every facet
  • Autonomous Collaboration
  • How we do anything & everything
  • Creative conscious expression
  • The future

The central and dominating theme is our relationship with nature, the cosmos and how we consciously have evolved within and what that looks like for our future.

Over the decades, my personal human design profile of a left angled 5/1 : heretic-investigator has always proved to the case. From childhood to now, there's been a deep heretic within me that just doesn't believe most of which is shared via mainstream anything. Education, Government, Media, Corporations, Religion, History and so on.

I've always instinctively felt different and didn't feel it was quite right out there. The investigator seeks to back this up with finding out the truth. This can be also perceived as your own truth. Given, as humans, we are all able to fully believe very different concepts, beliefs, premises, ethos's and more at any one time.

My partial Egyptian ancestry, Celtic and European has led me down many a path of experience, adventure and discovery.

A beehive, a view from the inside. The bee-hut. Honey bee. Entrance to the hive.
Egyptian antiquities

The relevance to the larger body of work all stems from the mysteries. The forces, the magical, the sacred and how they've played out globally and their impact still today.

There's something that holds a special vibrational frequency from ancient wisdom, that has mostly but not all, been deliberately faded out throughout our timeline.

When we are able to consciously hold our own inner master keys, so to speak, with our own evolutionary consciousness and awaken to the powers that we are truly capable of. I believe, our quantum reality will permeate into something of not only a much higher frequency but will enable more deeper knowing and wisdom to come through.

Personally, this is why I genuinely believe you can't be eating other living beings, harming the world, enslaving humans and being generally for the personal gain of ego, power, control and greed and then expect some beautiful peaceful oasis to emerge.

Pura Tirta Empul temple

It's a non-starter but one we are fed and have been raised upon and for many, do not stop to question.

And that's really where all awareness starts. The Questioning.

The somatic journey into feeling what you independently feel is the truth and acting from that place.

When we journey around our world, from continent to continent and we absorb culture, heritage, buildings and monuments and learn about the very rich, tumultuous histories we can really start to connect the dots, or perhaps disconnect the dots. Some have been deliberately placed to mislead or because they were not fully honest accounts or indeed a result of hearsay and not fact.

Counter to that is the transcendence of story, myths and legends, where again we have been pre-warned about their true validation to the extent that most would just shake them off as pure imagination or something not to be taken seriously.

Four elements - Alchemy
Natal Chart Astrology Wheel

Again, we come back to the work. The discernment, the deciphering, the decoding and further back in to a place of true vibrational frequency. Only from such a means can we then see in which direction we are actually travelling. A spiritual barometer of sorts: is it pure, is it of love, is it oscillating at a high level?

What we do need more of and less of.

To bring about a completely new evolved world will take some huge efforts on our part.

It's also an indication of why we appear to be moving so slowly. It seems that our species latches on to certain ways of living and being and finds it almost impossible to shake them off. Even when they may know deep down it isn't right.

The philosophical measure of a moral compass is only worth anything, should the people choose to respond to it.

It is this then, that has become a major part of the work in multiple phases.

  • The Individual
  • The Collective
  • The Way we Live
  • Our Eco-Systems
  • Our Infrastructures
  • Future Design

blackboard full of equations

The list is left wanting but it does cover some major areas where an upgraded, aligned and nature based frequency can

become the central force of design and creativity; rather than anything man-made that is born from a place of non-serving for the majority and huge gain for the minority.

Technically, it all begins and ends with you, the individual. As a source of innate knowing, being and power whether that is realised, actualised or used or not.

the infinity sign is drawn by a light. photo with long exposure.

Our own individual journey of life; gives us many choices and options to take.

If you take up the mantle of the inner alchemist journey, you will spend a lifetime unravelling, unlearning and disconnecting from what the material western world socially conditioned you to be.

Your own innate creativity and uniqueness is always there for you to not only tap into but be consciously led from a place of the highest frequency of love.

All of the following projects stem from that place of conscious evolution, love, creativity and the desire for things in this world to be better. We know that this must come from us as individuals before it comes from us as a collective.

The greatest thing is that our quantum reality is set by us based on the level of consciousness which we oscillate from. That is why I will say that being conscious, vegan and coming from love are the entry points not our exit or top levels.

For these states must be conceived, expressed and maintained in order for any true major lasting change and evolution on our precious Mother Earth.

Below is the current range of projects I am involved with, that collectively represent a broad spectrum of the work I have mentioned here. And a few past ones that explain the journey! Together they form a good lens for conscious, vegan entrepreneurs and those exploring and seeking ways to develop on their own journeys. The goal is always the same, to increase the love frequency, to bring more compassion, understanding and care into the world as well as innovation and creative ways we can provide solutions for a healthy, happy and fulfilled life for all sentient beings.

With love and blessings,

Annette x


Vegan FTA

Mother Earth &

Animal Kingdom Activist

Human Rights Advocate Conscious Evolution Speaker & Writer Eclectic Witch

Creative & Musician

Inside the Agency we are passionate, detailed and progressive on where we help take conscious Missions. Working and evolving ideas, concepts and curriculums through a series of dedicated design elements including written, audio, visual and film all the way through to how they are used online to the greatest success and benevolence of all. Making sure that every conscious project is helping, contributing and supporting everything they set out to do and more as they are take on their own energetic signature and vibration.

Iter Terra Meum means ‘My Earth Journey’. We (Dr Eon Joubert co-founder and our team) have used the term ‘Inner Alchemy’ inside the Dojo for many years so our work inside ITM has enabled us to create a dedicated space entirely for that body of work. It is loaded with alchemy and apothecary products and services that enhance, enlighten and inspire the individuals journey of inner alchemy. Here we are able to really work directly with the personal consciousness journey to ascend further towards higher states of peace, happiness, health, holistic self-integration and abundance. We have also created it’s sister endeavour ‘Inner Alchemy Arcana’ which is a monthly magickal subscription service.

B.C. was created as a triple win for the cause with Samuel Oderinde, Kioko, Miyuki and myself. It's firstly a community of people who wish to support, buy clothing and products that are for vegans, consciousness, mother earth and more. Alongside it's message for sharing how to live more consciously, making it accessible for anyone wanting to find more love in their hearts. And finally, a percentage of income goes towards some amazing charities that are doing tremendous work out there. The work and cause are what you would call a labour of love towards a world that stops this endless cycle of abuse, murder and killing.

Old and new music from the last 30 years are being curated and placed under ‘shesheta-heka’. Being part Egyptian this is a coming home back to my roots and my love of The Mysteries and of my eclectic British, well Celtic ancestry and the love of Witch/Druid heritage and practises. “Shesheta” was a goddess of the stars, a scribe, record keeper of the gods and her themes are honour, learning, history, time and Karma. She’s interesting to learn about, which I would recommend; alongside the rest of the Egyptian pantheon of Gods and Goddesses. Her symbols are books and writing implements. As an avid reader and quadruple mercury Gemini, I feel an enormous alignment with her and her cause. ‘Heka’ means magic or magical power and I have always felt that music, art, words and any mixture there of, are divine magical expressions and learnings. Many of the ancient and more contemporary goddesses such as the ‘triple goddess’ all really showcase some beautiful feminine wisdom that we need to listen more to especially during the current world vibration.

Previous Projects

Our work in the Dojo focused on Missions and those wanting to make a difference in the world with what they are passionate about delivering. Stemming from Bushido right through to Conscious Business creation and development. The journey's that were curated inside the Dojo were very unique and bespoke. We did this for 13 years and are very blessed for everyone we worked with. As with anything alive and creative, it evolved. And we found there was just too many moving parts under one roof - hence the splitting up of the various aspects in order to let each one breathe, expand and develop. We still have some further work to do on sharing key dojo elements so I’m sure they’ll appear sometime in the near future.

The TAO Academy

I designed and built The TAO Academy back in 2003, prior to that the previous decade and a half was filled with world travel, songwriting and performing, writing and publishing poetry and prose, gaining 3 black belts, becoming a kickboxing champion, working in design and marketing, being a company secretary for an animal charity and basically burning the candle on both ends as they say! resulting in getting diagnosed with M.E. (myalgic encephalomyelitis) and Cyclothymia following a lifelong ‘battle’ with depression, anxiety and the inability to switch off i.e. workaholic. There’s so much I could share about that time and journey but given we have several new podcasts coming soon, I’ll save it.

But I will say, I have spent a lot of time volunteering and helping others that have gone through similar situations such as domestic abuse, violence and trauma. And I guess, it’s fuelled a lot of my drive to help with the global campaign of ‘Do No Harm’, it’s very easier said than done. As there is endless conflict, suffering and situations going on every second around the clock and indeed globe. ‘Vystopia’ which we talk about in Beautiful Conscience is what vegans live with on a daily basis. And coming into a certain level of consiousness when I was around 12 was both a blessing and a curse, one of which I have had many dalliances with the solution of not sticking around on the Earth but have experienced, every single time, a calling to stay, to do what I can, where I can with whatever I can at the time. For the children, for the animals, for our Mother Earth.

Thank-you so much for sticking to the end, I know in this world of distractions, stress and general super busy-ness that is no easy feat. If you feel you'd like to know more about any of the projects or are looking to see how I can help you, your organisation or mission, please feel free to reach out to me directly at: annette@thequantum.agency

I would love to hear more about you and the important work you are doing out there.

Together, I truly believe we are at a huge conscious tipping point, so the more of us engaged and productive the better.